DHH approves the reverse take-over through merger of Seeweb Holding into DHH

5 years after its foundation, DHH becomes a group with 16,8M EUR of revenue, 5,6M EUR of EBITDA and 1,8M EUR of net profit (2019FY pro-forma), serving more than 100.000 customers in the cloud computing industry across Southeast Europe. The deal is a 100% share exchange and to complete it DHH will issue a total of 3.030.081 ordinary shares valued € 10,30. Ordinary and extraordinary DHH shareholders’ meeting convened on 30 June 2020 on first call and, if necessary, on 6 July 2020 on second call. Milan, 21 May 2020. DHH S.p.A. (“DHH”) (DHH.MI | WDHH21.MI) (ISIN shares IT0005203622 | ISIN warrants IT0005203689), the cloud computing provider of Southeast Europe, has announced that today the respective management bodies of DHH and Seeweb Holding S.r.l. (“Seeweb Holding”) approved the proposal of merger by incorporation of Seeweb Holding into DHH (“Merger”). The exchange ratio of the Merger was established at 31.828,92 DHH ordinary shares with no par value and the same entitlement and rights as the DHH ordinary shares outstanding at the date of the Merger, for every € 1.000,00 of Seeweb Holding’s share capital. The Merger is a reverse takeover as per Article 14 of the AIM Italia Issuers Regulation and Article 18 of DHH’s by laws and is therefore subject to DHH shareholders’ approval (which approval is in any case required under Article 2502 of the Italian Civil Code, the reverse takeover consisting of a merger).
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