L'assemblea straordinaria autorizza la convertibilità del green bond

Approvato anche l'aumento di capitale a servizio esclusivo della conversione del green bond in azioni e alcune modifiche statutarie THE EXTRAORDINARY SHAREHOLDERS’ MEETING AUTHORIZES THE CONVERTIBILITY OF THE GREEN BOND Capital increase servicing exclusively the conversion of the Green Bond into shares was also approved as well as certain bylaws amendments

Dominion Hosting Holding S.p.A. announces the change of the official name in DHH S.p.A.

Milan, 17 November 2020. DHH S.p.A. (“DHH”) (DHH.MI | WDHH21.MI) (ISIN shares IT0005203622 | ISIN warrants IT0005203689), the cloud computing provider of Southeast Europe, announces that it will use in all its representations and communications only the Company name in the abbreviated form of DHH S.p.A., as made possible by the statute (available online: https://www.dhh.international). As regards the Warrant, the name will remain unchanged until its expiry (July, 27, 2021).