Approvazione da parte di Consob del documento di offerta relativo all'offerta pubblica di acquisto volontaria parziale promossa da Growens S.p.A. su a

• Il periodo di adesione avrà inizio il giorno 13 novembre 2023 e terminerà il giorno 6 dicembre 2023 (estremi inclusi), salvo proroghe • Data di pagamento il 13 dicembre 2023 Milano, 8 novembre 2023 – Growens S.p.A.

Consob approval of the offer document concerning the partial voluntary tender offer promoted by Growens S.p.A. on its own shares

• The acceptance period will begin on 13 November, 2023 and will end on 6 December, 2023 (first and last day included), unless extended • Payment Date on 13 December, 2023 Milan, 8 November, 2023 –With reference to the offer document (the "Offer Document") filed with Consob on 9 October, 2023 concerning the partial voluntary tender offer (the "Offer") pursuant to articles 102 and following of the Legislative Decree 58/98, as subsequently amended and supplemented (“TUF”), promoted by Growens on no. 2.647.058 of its own shares, Growens S.p.A.