Saipem: articles of association updated with evidence of the amendment (art. 3 - closure of the secondary office)
Saipem S.p.A.: Articles of Association updated with evidence of the amendment (art. 3 - closure of the secondary office) following BOD meeting on July 24, 2019.
Saipem: statuto aggiornato con evidenza della modifica all’art. 3 (chiusura sede secondaria)
Saipem S.p.A.: statuto aggiornato con evidenza della modifica all’art. 3 (chiusura Sede secondaria), giusta delibera del C.d.A. del 24 luglio 2019.
Saipem: minutes of the BOD meeting of July 24, 2019 and revised Articles of Association
Saipem SpA: minutes of the Board of Directors’ meeting of July 24, 2019(Register No. 43178 Ref. No. 15495 Notaio Guasti - Milan) and the revised Articles of Association (Article 3 – closure of the secondary office in Cortemaggiore), lodged with the Companies’ Register on July 29, 2019.
Exercise of warrants Dominion Hosting Holding S.p.A. 2016 - 2021
Milan, 1 August 2019. DHH S.p.A. (“DHH”) (DHH.MI | WDHH21.MI) (ISIN shares IT0005203622 | ISIN warrants IT0005203689), a tech company whose mission is to create the “Internet Platform of the Emerging markets of Europe,” announces that the Monthly Average Price, as defined in the warrant Dominion Hosting Holding S.p.A. 2016 – 2021 Regulation for July 2019 was equal to EUR 5,61 (the average price of the DHH’s shares recorded during the trading sessions in the month of July 2019) whereas the strike price for warrant of DHH (“Warrant”) is equal to EUR 11.50.
Saipem: verbale CdA del 24.07.2019 con testo dello Statuto aggiornato
Saipem SpA: verbale del Consiglio di Amministrazione del 24.07.2019 (Rep. n. 43178 Prog. n. 15495 Notaio Guasti - Milano) con testo dello Statuto aggiornato a seguito della modifica art. 3 (chiusura Sede secondaria). Iscrizione al Registro Imprese il 29.7.2019