DHH’s shareholders approve the transaction with Seeweb Holding

The extraordinary shareholders’ meeting has approved the merger plan for the incorporation of Seeweb Holding into DHH as well as some amendments to the DHH’s articles of association The ordinary shareholders’ meeting has also approved the “reverse take-over” transaction connected to the above merger of Seeweb Holding into DHH Milan, 30 June 2020. DHH S.p.A. (“DHH”) (DHH.MI | WDHH21.MI) (ISIN shares IT0005203622 | ISIN warrants IT0005203689), the cloud computing provider of Southeast Europe, announces that today the ordinary and extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of DHH has approved, in extraordinary sessions, the merger plan for the incorporation of Seeweb Holding into DHH, and, in ordinary section, “reverse take-over” transaction pursuant to Article 14 of the AIM Italia Issuers Regulation and Article 18 of DHH’s by laws. Also the quotaholders’ meeting of Seeweb Holding has approved the merger plan. The above resolutions have been passed with the majorities as per Article 49, paragraph 1, g) of the Issuers Regulation approved by CONSOB Resolution No. 11971/99, for the purpose of the ‘whitewash waiver’ of the obligation (for the shareholders of Seeweb Holding, individually) to launch a public tender offer (OPA) on DHH shares. In addition to the above, the extraordinary shareholders’ meeting of DHH has also approved some amendment to the company’s articles of association in order to align them with AIM Italia best practices. The articles of association will be filed with the relevant companies register while the minutes of the above shareholders’ meeting will be made available in accordance to the applicable legislation. The Merger deed is expected to be signed by the end of the current financial year.
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