Exercise of warrants DHH 2016 – 2021

Milan, 1 December 2020. DHH S.p.A. (“DHH”) (DHH.MI | WDHH21.MI) (ISIN shares IT0005203622 | ISIN warrants IT0005203689), the cloud computing provider of Southeast Europe, announces that the Monthly Average Price, as defined in the warrant Dominion Hosting Holding S.p.A. 2016 – 2021 Regulation for November 2020 was equal to EUR 10,71 (the average price of the DHH’s shares recorded during the trading sessions in the month of November 2020) whereas the strike price for warrant of DHH (“Warrant”) is equal to EUR 11,50. Therefore, since the Monthly Average Price is lower than the strike price, pursuant to Article 3 of the warrant Dominion Hosting Holding S.p.A. 2016 – 2021 Regulation, the Warrants are not exercisable for the month of December 2020. DHH also announces that the period of exercise of Warrants, starting from 2 November 2020 until 30 November 2020, is closed. During this period, n. 1.500 Warrants were exercised and consequently subscribed at a price of Euro 11,80 per share (the exercise ratio is equal to 0,0256), n. 38 regular new DHH shares, the conversion shares, with no indication of nominal value, with regular dividend entitlement and the same characteristics as the regular DHH shares in circulation on the issue date, for a total value of Euro 448,40. The conversion shares subscribed by the Warrant holders during the exercise period will be made available for the trading, through Monte Titoli S.p.A., on the settlement day following the deadline on the last day of the relevant exercise period. As a result of the above, as at the date of this press release, there are 1.418.500 Warrants in circulation. The share capital of DHH is now equal to Euro 451.866,90, represented by no. 4.518.669 ordinary shares without par value. The Company will publish the notice of change in share capital following the filing of the capital increase with the Companies’ Register within the terms of the law.
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